Didactic Educational Equipment

16x2 LCD Display With Matrix Keyboard

16x2 LCD Display With Matrix Keyboard

16x2 LCD Display With Matrix Keyboard Manufacturers & Exporters, 16x2 LCD Display With Matrix Keyboard Supply for Tenders from India

16x2 LCD Display With Matrix Keyboard

Product Code : IS24

Description: 5x4 Keys matrix Keyboard. Keyboard consists of 20 keys. Consist of Hexadecimal numerals from 0 to 13. Keys are organized as four rows & five columns matrix Study of techniques like software debouching, keyboard scanning, key closer, two keys lockout, keyboard encoding & Pausing. 16x2 Liquid Crystal Display. Two 16 rows alphanumeric characters will be displayed. Facility for back lite display. Connect to 8255 using 26 pin FRC Connector. User's manual with sample programs

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