Didactic Educational Equipment

Elevator Control Module

Elevator Control Module Manufacturers & Exporters, Elevator Control Module Supply for Tenders from India

Elevator Control Module

Product Code : E14

Description: Elevator Control Module Elevator control module MC06 enables the students and practicing engineers to gain invaluable practical experience of the principles and application of Elevator and Microcontroller. The object is to connect and program an external controller to monitor and control the Elevator system. Elevator control module is shown with the help of switches and LEDs. MC06 is connected with Nvis Microcontroller development platforms. Three floors are shown on board. Switches are used to call and go to the desired floor. LEDs indicate the floor on which the elevator is present. The Elevator module is made in such a way that students can understand how elevators can be controlled by Microcontroller and also get familiar with inputs and outputs of a Microcontroller Elevator interface PC based programming Expansion connectors for plug in with Microcontroller unit and prototyping area Every pin is marked in order to make the learning easier Input/Output & test points provided on board Exhaustive Learning Material

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