Didactic Educational Equipment

AVR Microcontroller Development Platform

AVR Microcontroller Development Platform Manufacturers & Exporters, AVR Microcontroller Development Platform Supply for Tenders from India

AVR Microcontroller Development Platform

Product Code : E7

Description: AVR Microcontroller Development Platform AVR Microcontroller Development Platform is a full featured development system for AVR ATMEGA8515 microcontroller. It is an ideal platform to implement and test the designs both for the beginners and the experts. The is a convenient way to teach the principles of the family of microcontrollers through to programming and interfacing on the ATMEGA8515 device. Using the platform, a range of projects in various domains like telecommunication, robotics, consumer electronics etc can be done. The gives designers a quick start to develop code on controller with on platform programmer and on platform breadboard facility. The flexibility of connectors allows the user to make external connections. On board Breadboard allows making their own circuits and performing an experiment as they desire. AVR ATMEGA8515 MCU clocked at 8.0MHz Expansion connectors for plug in modules and prototyping area On platform programmer for Atmega 8515 microcontrollers USB interface to PC for programming Every pin is marked in order to make work easier Master Reset/Restart key for hardware reset Input/Output & test points provided on platform On platform breadboard Self contained development platform with on platform DC Power Supply CD with sample project code, Programmer software & useful documents

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