Didactic Educational Equipment

i2C ADC / DAC Module

i2C ADC / DAC Module Manufacturers & Exporters, i2C ADC / DAC Module Supply for Tenders from India

i2C ADC / DAC Module

Product Code : E21

Description: i2C ADC / DAC Module I2C protocol based ADC/DAC module enables students and practicing engineers to gain practical experience of applications of Microcontroller. The object is to understand how two wire serial interface device is used for interfacing with Microcontroller to communicate with external applications. Analog inputs are converted into digital through Microcontrollers and vice versa. ADC/DAC module, has input and output terminals for connection of external real world applications. PC based programming Expansion connectors for plug in with Microcontroller unit and prototyping area Every pin is marked in order to make work easier Input/Output & test points provided on board ADC I2 C™ compatible serial interface, 400 kHz I C fast mode Single-ended analog input channel On-chip sample and hold On-chip conversion clock Single supply operation DAC Simple I2C™ Serial interface Single supply operation Low Power : 350mA operation, 0.5mA shutdown Exhaustive Learning Material

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