Didactic Educational Equipment

Carey Foster's Bridge Setup Trainer

Carey Foster's Bridge Setup Trainer Manufacturers & Exporters, Carey Foster's Bridge Setup Trainer Supply for Tenders from India

Carey Foster's Bridge Setup Trainer

Product Code : BSC-TR-11

Description: Carey Foster's Bridge Setup Trainer - Precise Bridge arrangement. Galvanometer, resistances and DC power supply are provided on a single board. is used for the measurement of very low resistances, although it can be used to find small differences between large resistances. It can measure the decimal value of resistance. Our Carey Foster`s bridge Setup consists of two parts, bridge arrangement and testing unit. Testing unit contains DC power supply, Galvanometer and adjustable resistances on a single board. DC power supply solves the problem of discharging of battery or a cell with respect to time which affects the result. Sensitivity of Carey Foster`s bridge is the same as the sensitivity of the Wheatstone bridge as it uses the same fundamental principle. Precise Bridge arrangement Galvanometer, resistances and DC power supply are provided on a single board Low temperature coefficient Constantan wire DC power supply in place of a cell or battery Learning material CD

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