Didactic Educational Equipment

Input Interface Module

Input Interface Module Manufacturers & Exporters, Input Interface Module Supply for Tenders from India

Input Interface Module

Product Code : E10

Description: Input Interface Module Input Interface module MC01 is an extension module for Nvis Microcontroller development platforms. The module has been designed for students and practicing engineers to gain invaluable practical experience on the principle and applications of microcontroller. The object is to have a clear understanding of how input peripherals are interfaced and controlled with microcontroller. Input Interface module, MC01 has input and output terminals for connection to external real world applications. Matrix keypad controlling is shown with the help of LEDs 4 x 4 matrix keypad interface ASCII keyboard interface Four input sensing switch interface PC based programming Expansion connectors for plug in with Microcontroller unit and prototyping area Every pin is marked in order to make the work easier Input/Output & test points provided on board Exhaustive Learning Material

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