Didactic Educational Equipment

Hall Effect Trainer

Hall Effect Trainer Manufacturers & Exporters, Hall Effect Trainer Supply for Tenders from India

Hall Effect Trainer

Product Code : BSC-TR-32

Description: Hall Effect Trainer The Hall Effect Trainer Nvis 6101 is a very useful system for the laboratory. It is used for the study of Hall Effect in semiconductors. The Hall Effect is an important observation in material science. If electric current flows through a conductor in a magnetic field, the magnetic field exerts a transverse force on the moving charge carriers, which tends to push them to one side of the conductor, producing a measurable voltage between two sides of the conductor, this voltage is Hall Voltage. Through this setup we can determine carrier density, mobility of charge carrier, Hall coefficient, Hall voltage etc. We can study the effect of temperature in semiconductor, relation between magnetic field and Hall voltage. Setup consists of the following : A complete set for the study of Hall Effect in semiconductor A Hall Effect probe is provided with p type germanium crystal with oven Measurement unit with LCD display and PC interface to measure Hall voltage and probe current Provided with InAs sensor for measuring magnetic field Constant current source provided with LCD display Gauss and Tesla meter for measuring magnetic field with LCD display and PC interface facility Provided with an Electromagnet

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