Didactic Educational Equipment

Two Port Network Trainer

Two Port Network Trainer Manufacturers & Exporters, Two Port Network Trainer Supply for Tenders from India

Two Port Network Trainer

Product Code : BEL-TR-15

Description: Two Port Network Trainer -Two Port Network Trainer NV6516 has been designed specifically for the Two Port Network analysis. This is useful for students to study the operation and behavior of any two-port network under several operating conditions. The study of two-port network is very important as they form the building block of most electrical systems. On this training system, we can calculate various parameters under open circuit and short circuit conditions. Experimental calculations of Z-Parameters, Y-Parameters and ABCD-Parameters of a two port network can be easily measured. In-built DC power supply is provided. Easy experimental illustration of Two Port Network analysis Inbuilt +12 V and +5 V DC Power Supplies Low cost e-Manual

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